Community in Focus
Thank you for sharing your 2020 with us.
Our Community in Focus project captured the human emotions that connect us all—joy, suffering, resilience, and everything in between. Wishing everyone a 2021 filled with community and connection.
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January & February
Alice Hu, January 1: I woke up early to start the new year off right with a run outside. I turned around at the end of my run and was wowed by the background. I knew I had to take a photo. Filled with gratitude, I felt ready to take on the new year. (Palm Springs, California)
Alice Hu, January 1

Barry Dunn, February 5: Empty chairs & empty tables
Barry Dunn, February 5

Carolyn Norton, February 14: 2020 marked the 19th Amendment’s centennial. Forty-four years later Lillie Dwight, a teenager, actively worked to gain these voting rights stilled denied in Mississippi. During a peaceful protest march she was transported to the Jackson fairgrounds where she witnessed bloody beatings—but the work persisted.
Carolyn Norton, February 14

Kaitlyn D. Anderson, March 3: We found out we were expecting our first child days before quarantine took effect. This is our birth announcement- and one of the last days of life before COVID, quarantines, and masks. Our daughter was born in September into a whole new world that none of us imagined in March.
Kaitlyn D. Anderson, March 3

Owen Roberts, March 9: This photo was taken in Windsor, Connecticut. on the Monday of the week that school closed forever. I was throwing a baseball with a friend, and it got stuck in the chain- link fence. It represents my high school senior baseball season that never happened, because COVID-19 canceled school.
Owen Roberts, March 9

Mei Morin, March 21: Sibling haircut
Mei Morin, March 21

Lesley Wright, March 29: This family owned Party store in the Woodmont Triangle district of downtown Bethesda captured the dismal spirit of the early days of COVID. All Parties cancelled until further notice
Lesley Wright, March 29

Liv Ferguson, April 1: When lockdown began in March, my sister and I traveled home to be with family. Those first few months were the best, because they faded slowly into one another, allowing us to savor every good moment. Time didn’t seem to matter; it didn’t even seem to exist.
Liv Ferguson, April 1

Sam Tan, April 6: I work at a major hospital in Boston, Massachusetts and one crisp spring morning, I stepped outside and caught this rather ominous and striking sight. It certainly communicated the sense of anticipation and dread of the first surge of COVID cases that were about to hit. I sincerely hope that the public is now more appreciative of the fact that their healthcare system is a precious resource and would take steps to protect its well-being.
Sam Tan, April 6

Bonita Bing, April 20: This is George D. Tolbert IV on his 73rd birthday. I decided to get him paper towels and toilet tissues for his birthday gifts due to this global coronavirus pandemic because the stores were running out of these items every day. It made me think how much we as Americans take for granted in this country.
Bonita Bing, April 20

Jen Anglin, April 23: Holding my dying father’s hand while I tell him it’s ok to go and Mom will be fine.
Jen Anglin, April 23

Ed Kashi, April 28: Nutley EMS volunteers attend to a 92-year-old diabetic man who fell at home, on April 28, 2020 in Nutley, NJ. This is part of “Rising to the Call,” a series showing people in New Jersey, a coronavirus hot spot, who have stepped up to action in creative and inspiring ways.
Ed Kashi, April 28

Sheng Lin, May 2: Since the mandatory shutdown, a bakery on 46 Mott Street had been serving over 100 free meals to the elderly, homeless, and low income individuals within Chinatown, NY. These meals were served at 12:30 pm every day to a line that stretched almost two blocks.
Sheng Lin, May 2

Smita Parida, May 14: “All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go”: One of the highly anticipated events of senior year in high school, and a rite of passage involving sometimes months of preparation, Prom 2020 unfortunately became yet another “modification” students had to contend with in the age of coronavirus. This was absolutely not the senior year these kids had envisioned yet had no choice but to accept with grace.
Smita Parida, May 14

Vanessa Brown, May 14: After a long day, I was leaving DC and driving on the 395 highway towards Alexandria, when I saw this building - the Doubletree by Hilton. I was so amazed by the clever creative use of the hotel lamps to communicate a message of inspiration. At that time, there was no traffic on the highway, because of COVID, so I quickly pulled over and snapped the picture. It still inspires me regarding the creativity and reminds me of the simple acts of kindness that continue over the pandemic period.
Vanessa Brown, May 14

Laura Adams, May 20: In the early days of the pandemic, we adjusted our lifestyle to incorporate working from home. In this photo, Mark was adjusting to his new work environment and co-worker. Making a bed desk with his feline co-worker.
Laura Adams, May 20

Michael Ryan, May 30: A protestor stands on top of a burning dumpster at Lafayette Square during demonstrations against police brutality in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
Michael Ryan, May 30

Michele Rozga, May 31: A gathering for justice for black lives in Norfolk VA. We marched and it was electric to feel the togetherness of the crowd and the common purpose. I love that the heart on the cardboard BLM sign is up above everyone.
Michele Rozga, May 31

Giselle Palma, June 3: A Washingtonian expresses his anger at the presence of militarized police during a peaceful protest.
Giselle Palma, June 3

Eric Change, June 4: This image is from a George Floyd/BLM protest in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia on June 4, 2020. I love this photo because the girl’s expression says so much. It expresses her sadness and fear as well as her courage and hope for our future.
Eric Chang, June 4

Frank Day, June 5: Black Lives Matter Plaza, Washington, DC
Frank Day, June 5

Rohi Pandya, June 5: Our Brooklyn school organized a family friendly protest and march in support for Black Lives Matter. Children wearing masks fastened their words of support along the school’s fence as well on the sidewalk with chalk. At our school, Diversity is our strength.
Rohi Pandya, June 5

Whitney Rearick, June 14: After Black Lives Matter protesters created the Capitol Hill Organized Protest in a park across the street, the Seattle police temporarily moved out of the East Precinct, which protesters renamed the Seattle People Department.
Whitney Rearick, June 14

Cindy Zork, June 20: Our 2.5 year old son, wearing his raingear, carries a Black Lives Matter sign to a neighbor’s house.
Cindy Zork, June 20

Andre Bierzynski, July 10: Deep in thought…what day is it…will this ever end?
Andre Bierzynski, July 10

Cathy Erlich, July 13: When quarantine first started, I would sit outside by a pond and read. Instead of being able to surround myself with friends, I welcomed the company of the neighborhood ducks and squirrels. This one must have seen me coming and saved me a seat!
Cathy Erlich, July 13

Diane Helentjaris, July 22: The first day since 1908 without the “Silent Sentinel” Confederate soldier statue holding pride of place in front of the Loudoun County Courthouse in Leesburg, Virginia. Removed quietly during the night by the Daughters of the Confederacy, only brick rubble and a remnant of the base lingered.
Diane Helentjaris, July 22

Karon Flage, July 28: People in socially distanced lines, waiting to pay respects to Representative John Lewis are treated to a rainbow over the Supreme Court.
Karon Flage, July 28

Richard Bowditch, July 28: This is how the year felt to me.
Richard Bowditch, July 28
Victoria Ford, August 9: This image was captured during a summer day in a Sunflower field because the model said that sunflowers brought her joy. And we all need some moments of joy during these times.
Victoria Ford, August 9

April Thompson, August 19: Foraging with my foster dog in Saluda, Virginia. 2020 has forced us to distance from each other but has reinforced our connection to the natural world and to our animal friends. I’ve found well over 100 wild edible plants and fungi this year in my walks around DC.
April Thompson, August 19

Sahara Artiga-Oliver, August 14: Portrait of a man returning from a protest. A new daily 2020 routine for individuals protesting for the importance of Black Lives.
Sahara Artiga-Oliver, August 14

Sara Yousefnejad Gallagher, August 27: After weeks of self-isolating and negative test results, multiple family bubbles came together for a retreat. My daughter and grandmother are warming themselves by the fire and chatting. A conversation between people at the bookends of four generations is already wonderful, but in 2020, this photo means so much.
Sara Yousefnejad Gallagher, August 27

Amir Alibabaie, August 27: Clockwise: Reasoning, Pain, Frustration, Disappointment Location: Black Lives Matter Plaza This man was in a heated conversation with a DC cop standing behind barricades in front of the St John Episcopal Church.
Amir Alibabaie, August 27
Inaki Sanchez-Ciarrusta, August 30: This has been a hard year: being away from my home and family, not being able to see them, “caged”. A year full of uncertainty and tension… But as in the image, this is a year that also
Inaki Sanchez-Ciarrusta, August 30

Maurice Narcis, September 12: Masked musician performing in Central Park in New York City.
Maurice Narcis, September 12

Stephan Estrada, September 16: 2020 continues to be a record year for hurricanes. As an artist and surfer I revel in hurricane season. As a volunteer rebuilding communities I experience their destructive power first hand. This photo taken during Hurricane Teddy exemplifies of one of nature’s most compelling forces, one intensified by climate change.
Stephan Estrada, September 16

Ambrose Vurnis, September 19: This photo was taken the morning after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. People brought flowers and payed their respects.
Ambrose Vurnis, September 19

Valerie Hardy, October 3: I’m masked, next to my painting as I wait for it to be photographed. It so happens that I’m also the masked artist in the painting. The mask dominates both images and is a touchstone of life in 2020. Not without positive protective connotations, those masks still are symbols of the constraints we now live under. My question is, will I miss my mask in 2021?
Valerie Hardy, October 3

Grace Zade, October 10: My mother and father at home during the pandemic.
Grace Zade, October 10

Tisa Sinclair, October 17: Picture taken of my son at Gravelly Point. It truly captures the times that we are in: Kids stuck on screen time, wearing masks at a popular outdoor spot.
Tisa Sinclair, October 17

Arjun Rihan, October 17: My wife nurses our newborn son at a Bay Area hospital. His birth was a moment of joy for us in this difficult pandemic year. Even as it protects us, the mask serves as an enduring visual reminder of how COVID-19 has shaped the most intimate of moments.
Arjun Rihan, October 17
Amanda Young, October 25: I received this vase from a dear friend for my birthday this year. To me, the image represents just how important it is to stand in solidarity with and support one another as we navigate this challenging time. The flowers represent hope for something new and beautiful to grow in our collective future.
Amanda Young, October 25

Joshua Nimley, October 30: This photo is a representation that has engulfed our country during this hard time. No matter our political representation we need to remember that we do in fact bleed the same and if we put aside out political opinions and come together we will realize how much stronger we are
Joshua Nimley, October 30

Stacy Scoma, November 3: This picture speaks 1000 words for a world divided. This is a picture of HOPE for many generations to come. My 5 year old was ecstatic to Vote with me and was so excited he fell asleep with his “I voted” sticker that was given to him. Priceless!
Stacy Scoma, November 3

Becky Davis, November 5: A woman walks past an apartment complex in downtown, Washington, DC as the US awaits for its final Presidential results during election week on November 5, 2020.
Becky Davis, November 5

Todd Bosch, November 7: Black Lives Plaza after the announcement that Joe Biden was declared the winner of the Presidential Race.
Todd Bosch, November 7

Scott MacConomy, November 10: We pulled into an overlook in Shenandoah National Park and saw this man lost in thought on the boulders. He remained there when we left ten minutes there, still pondering.
Scott MacConomy, November 10

Charles K. Steiner, November 14: I was taught to savor two traditions from both a Jewish and Catholic Grandmother. When “curbside shopping” stuck me with an obscenely big salmon, I taught myself to make Lox. LOOKS and tastes like “art.” Jewish Grandmother would be proud. Wish my studio painting this week looked as good.
Charles K. Steiner, November 14

Maria Winner, November 14: Garage Homecoming. We traveled from Oregon to Illinois for my daughter to attend this prohibited dance. I wanted to capture the “garageness” and the work and love the parents put into making a dance for their senior.
Maria Winner, November 14

Khun Nyan Min Htet, November 29: The COVID-19 forced some of us to stay home and physically separated us from our family, friends, and coworkers. But the connections don’t have to stop. There is always a way to connect whether it is via technology or socially distanced walk outside.
Khun Nyan Min Htet, November 29
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